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Lakewood Hills Alley Cleanup

The alleys in our neighborhood are very overgrown and neighbors who have rear-entry garages are having trouble accessing, without scratching their vehicles. Not to mention, overgrown alleys are great hiding places for criminals. As the homeowner of your property, you are responsible to maintain your section of alley by City of Dallas law. Not taking care of your alley, may result in fines from the City. Let’s all be neighborly and please clean your section of alley each month.

What you need to do:

Clean your alleys once a month, taking advantage of the City’s Bulky Trash Program (free) on the third week of the month or make sure to let your lawn company know that they need to clean up the alleys too. If you are unable to clean your alley, please let a neighbor know or email

What to clean:

To be in good-standings with Code Compliance, the occupant or owner is responsible for keeping the street, alley and sidewalk clear of obstructions. 

  • Homeowners or tenants are responsible for keeping the property maintained between the curb in front of the house (or if no curb then from the edge of the pavement) to the middle of the alley.

  • This includes the trimming of trees, shrubbery and vines which may obstruct any vehicle traveling through an alley.

  • Streets and alleys must have 15 feet of overhead clearance.

  • Weeds or grass more than 12 inches high is a violation of the City Code. Failure to do so may result in a court citation and/or a bill for the City’s mowing services.


Mark Wood
Mark Wood
Feb 10



Inga Henderson
Inga Henderson
Jun 02, 2021

Looks great, we used and they were quite helpful with our alley cleanup efforts.


Lakewood Hills Neighborhood 

PO Box 140604

Dallas, TX 75214

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