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  • If I need to order new city trash & recycle cans, how do I that?"
    Visit the Dallas City Hall website ( or by ordering them using the 3-1-1 app your Smart Phone (iPhone or Android).
  • Where do I pay my Property Taxes?
    Pay your property tax each year by visiting
  • Where can I see what my house is worth?
    Visit Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) -
  • What are the days and times construction crews can work?
    Construction times that crews can work are: M-F: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. and Sat: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m., no work on Holidays or Sundays. If crews are working before, after hours or on Sundays, please contact our code compliance officer with information on the street address and as it's happening. If you report afte the fact, it's your word against the construction crew. If you report as it's happening, the code compliance officer will write a ticket to the crew and all work will be shut down for that day.
  • How do I report a code violation on a construction site?
    If you see crews working after those hours of on days they’re not supposed to, contact Jose directly. He says if you call 311, it may take a few days for the city to get out there to issue warnings, it’s better to contact him directly and he can visit the site that day. Also, reporting your neighbors to Jose for whatever reason, alleys aren’t cleared regularly, or bulk trash sitting out too early, you can contact him or 311 and it’s completely anonymous. Generally, we always ask that you talk to your neighbors first, but if that doesn’t work, then contact Jose. Code Compliance Officers: Chris Bollin is the code officer who typically responds to code issues in Lakewood Hills: Cell: 214-846-7657 Email: Johnny Garcia is the Neighborhood Code Representative: Cell: 469-515-0830 Email: Miguel Quintero is the Supervisor: Cell: 214-422-3775 Email: Danielle Smith-Allen is the manager: Cell: 469-515-0884 Email:
  • What is brush and bulky trash, the rules and when does it get picked up?"
    The City of Dallas picks up once a month, free of charge, large items that don't fit in the trash cans. Lakewood Hills pickup is the 3rd week of each month. Where Should I Place It: Put materials on the curb in front of your home. Do not place on vacant lots or medians. Do not place materials in front of utility poles, traffic signs, utilities meters or hydrants. Do not put out material earlier than 7:00 a.m. on Thursday prior to your collection week. Material must be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. the Monday of the pickup week. What Can be Picked Up: Appliances If an appliance has Freon (e.g. a/c unit or refrigerator) it is NOT accepted Tree Limbs (8ft or less is preferable) Shrubbery (please separate from bulky items) Bagged Leaves Furniture Carpet Mattresses Other bulky items What Doesn't Go To the Curb: Tires Passenger tires (25 inches or less) can be taken to the Landfill and the Northwest Transfer Station. Please limit to 6 per year per resident. Construction Debris Bricks, Concrete, Rocks, Dirt, etc. Mirrors and Glass (e.g. window or shower glass) Electronics (e.g. televisions, computers, etc.) Car parts (e.g. engine) Lawnmowers (or any machinery that may contain gasoline)
  • Are there city restrictions on how often I can water my lawn?
    Maximum twice-weekly watering allowed according to address. Don’t water your yard between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. between April 1 and October 31. Hand water or use a soaker hose. Both are permitted on any day. Maintain your sprinkler system. Repair any broken, missing or misdirected sprinkler heads. Automatic sprinkler system owners are required to have rain and freeze sensors installed. Don’t water during any form of precipitation. Don’t allow your sprinkler system to water driveways, sidewalks and streets. Don’t waste water by allowing runoff onto a street or other drainage area when you’re watering. Violations of these outdoor water guidelines can result in fines of $250 to $2,000 per incident. First offenses will be issued a warning.
  • If I want to volunteer for a Lakewood Hills committee, how do I do that?"
    Find the committee(s) you'd like to volunteer with and send an email to each Chair letting them know you're interested, where you live and what you'd like to help with.
  • Are the neighborhood association fees mandatory or voluntary?
    The neighborhood association fees are completely voluntary. The fees help pay for our annual Block Party, Holiday Party, Picnic in the Park, newsletter and our many other events in the neighborhood. If you'd like to pay your dues, please visit our Donate page and make a secure payment through Square or you may mail your check to our PO Box address.
  • What is the Extended Neighborhood Patrol (ENP)?
    The ENP (Extended Neighborhood Patrol) enables neighborhoods like ours to hire armed, uniformed, off-duty police officers to patrol our area. Frequency and length of the randomized, individual patrol period are decided by our group (based on funds), with a two hour minimum patrol period required on the days/nights they patrol. ENP has shown to be effective in reducing crime in neighborhoods. At a bare minimum, we need ~100 participating households (of 545 total in Lakewood Hills) to contribute at least $200 annually. The cost of an officer per hour is roughly $50, so to get 8 hours of patrol a week, we need ~$21,000 annually as a neighborhood. If we find that we have more than 100 households OR people are willing to contribute more than $200/annually, we will get more patrol hours.
  • How do I contribute to the ENP?
    Enter your answer here
  • How do I sign up for the Lakewood Hills E-Newsletter
    On the home page of this website, please fill in your information and you will be automatically added to the mailing list.
  • How can I advertise in the e-newsletter?
    If you'd like to advertise in our semi-monthly neighborhood newsletter, please contact or go to our Advertise page.
  • I'd like to help with the newsletter, how do I do that?"
    If you'd like to write or help compile the newsletter, please contact

Lakewood Hills Neighborhood Association

PO Box 140604

Dallas, TX 75214

  • Neighborhood Facebook Group

© 2025 Lakewood Hills Neighborhood Association

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